Thursday 10 May 2012

EDL Scabs Attack Women On Liverpool Picket Line

Fascists launch failed attack on a Liverpool picket line

Fascists launch failed attack on a Liverpool picket line
Fascists in Liverpool have today continued with their anti-working class agenda by attempting to attack workers striking over pensions at a picket line in Bootle.
At around 15.30, five instantly recognisable boneheads from the Infidels of Britain, Combined Ex Forces, and the National Front arrived at the picket, directly outside the HMRC office. The immediately started pushing people, calling everyone present, ‘paedophiles’, ‘lesbians;, ‘traitors’, ‘communists’, and ‘work-shy cunts’.
Their presence was not a coincidence as they had been posting online earlier in the day that they would be turning up at the picket with the intention of targeting well-known local trade unionists.
A police CCTV unit has been present all day and called for more officers to arrive. One member of the Combined Ex Forces (Paul James) was arrested, as he refused to stop calling every single person on the picket, ‘paedophiles’. His acolytes were then sent on their way.
This is the latest in a long line disgusting behaviour by fascists on Merseyside. Within the last year, they lined the route at the November 30th pension march and abused strikers, they have, attacked people at the occupy camp, attacked people at a Palestine Solidarity event, attempted to occupy the UNITE union offices, attacked SWP paper sales, made countless threatening calls to local trade unionists, visited the News from Nowhere bookshop on many occasions, threatening the staff, and urinating on the books. They even assaulted a heavily pregnant big issue seller directly outside the bookshop, pushing her to the floor and spraying her in the face with paint.
Apologies for the quality and angle of the film clip

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