Saturday 8 December 2012

Jacintha Saldanha: A tragic suicide - but who is really to blame?

Jacintha Saldanha: A tragic suicide - but who is really to blame?

It is truly tragic that a mother and nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, took her life as a result of a inane prank by a couple of fascile DJs. And it is right that they feel haunted by the unbearably painful consequences of their actions. Humiliating working people for the humour of others is pathetic, but is has become a mainstay of popular culture.

But that must be far from the whole story here. To take
 your life is no small leap. You must feel fear, desperation. To be left feeling that it is better to die, to leave your children and those you love behind, than to face what you fear is ahead of you, that takes something more than just a prank call.

So who spoke to that nurse after the prank call was exposed? Who left her feeling such fear and helplessness that she took her own life? Was it her managers? Was it the police? Security services? The minders and managers for the Royal Household? Who took their failings out on her and left he so distraught that she ended her life and left her children motherless?

It is understandable that anger is being directed at the perpetrators of the prank. But I do not believe it was their actions alone that led to this tragedy. Management. The police. The Royal Family. Bullies one and all. It at them that we should be looking.

We need to know who spoke to Jacintha Saldanha as they tried to save face after that phone call and we need to know exactly what they said to her that left her feeling she had no option left but to die.

(Originally posted on the NOT A DINNER PARTY blog)


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