Tuesday 2 July 2013

Gideon Osborne: Putting the "n" in Cuts...

In the spirit of "we are all in it together", Tory Chancellor George Osborne today announced that in light of the huge cuts in jobs and benefits he is inflicting upon the country, he has volunteered to make drastic and deeply felt cuts in his own standard of living. So from now on, he promises that he will only be using coke and hookers just the twice a week until the end of the financial year when the situation will be reviewed... 

"Hooker: Osborne ‘a regular coke user’ 
Tart tells of 'drug party' with Chancellor
29th February 2012

 AN ex-hooker has repeated claims that Chancellor George Osborne used to snort cocaine. Former escort agency boss Natalie Rowe told a TV show he “regularly” took the drug with her in the 1990s while a Tory aide. She said: “He took it on a regular basis with me, with his friends. There were more witnesses, not just me, that witnessed George Osborne taking cocaine. There are other people out there that know the truth.”

Speaking about a party in 1994 at which she was pictured with Mr Osborne, she said: “On that particular night he had taken a line. “I said to George jokingly that when you’re Prime Minister one day I’ll have all the dirty goods on you. “And he laughed and took a big fat line of cocaine. “I’ve always said that the truth will always catch up on you. And it’s going to catch up on him.”

 Rowe, who was talking to Australian TV show Lateline, first made the claims in a UK newspaper in October 2005. At the time Mr Osborne said he was the victim of a smear campaign and added: “The allegations are completely untrue.”

He said he did know Rowe because a friend had once dated her and they had met up occasionally. Last night his spokesman said of the renewed claims: “These are old allegations that were widely reported and denied years ago. There is nothing new.” Rowe ran an escort agency called Black Beauties, hiring out girls at £300 an hour."

 Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3810687/Hooker-Osborne-a-regular-coke-user.html#ixzz2XOv9nXD7

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