Friday 27 April 2012

Dumb animal... CO19 pose for the cameras.

An image that's splashed all over the UK media. A CO19 cop taking part in a major operation that did nothing at all to end some farty little tantrum by some mid-life crisis candidate who failed his driving test.

The media helpfully points 
out this bobby is wearing a balaclava to hide his identity to protect him on undercover work. Clever lad obviously, I mean, its not like he is doing it just to look hard and pose for the telly or anything is it? But wait a minute... so why's he just wearing a t-shirt under his Batman utility kit? A t-shirt that shows off his very distinctively recognisable tattoos on his left arm... oops.

Incidentally, some saying these guys were SAS badged as cops. Maybe. But really, does it matter? A tooled-up prick with a gun, no legal accountability and a mandate to kill is still a tooled-up prick with a gun, no legal accountability and a mandate to kill whether he is SAS or CO19.

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