Tuesday 24 April 2012

EDL member arrested after 'Breivik' bomb threat against Muslims

Reposted from EDL News

EDL member arrested after 'Breivik' bomb threat against Muslims

An English Defence League member was arrested last night for assault and being in possession of racially inflammatory material after posts were made on Facebook allegedly threatening the Muslim community with a bomb attack 'Oslo style'.
In the week where far right extremist, Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 young people, the English Defence League have been very quiet on the subject.
There is plenty of evidence out there that Breivik was partly inspired by the English Defence League, in fact before he went on his murderous campaign, he emailed his manifesto to a large number of EDL members who he had been in contact with.
Leadership claim time and time again that their far right organisation does not breed extremism.  South Shield's Division member, Kenny Holden, seems to prove the opposite when he states his intention to set a pipe bomb off in Ocean Road, a predominantly Asian area in the City.
Holden, states that he has a pipe bomb ready for Ocean Road and he is going to do it 'Oslo style'.
A spokesman for Northumbria Police said "a 29 year old man was arrested on Saturday night on suspicion of assault and possessing racially inflammatory material. He is currently in custody and is helping police with their enquiries."

The English Defence League will no doubt claim Holden is not a member of the organisation but our picture of him with English Defence League leader, Tommy Robinson, will disprove that.

Holden makes it clear he not only against extremists and all Muslims are a target in his twisted hate campaign.

A couple of photos of Holden dressed as a terrorist and posing with an EDL flag

And a picture of Holden at the Blackburn demonstration last year.

His Facebook friends list include EDL senior leader Gurmarit Singh, Tommy Robinson's PA Hel Gower and Paddy Conroy who was convicted of kidnapping and torturing a gangland rival.

Earlier this week Northumbria police raided the addresses of two members of neo Nazi group the Infidels and other forces made arrests in other parts of the country
Threatening to pipe bomb an Asian area in this climate has resulted in a call to the anti terrorism hotline and Northumbria police. In case Holden tries to delete his Facebook profile his profile ID is here

Update: Shortly after we posted this article these posts appeared on Holden's Facebook page.

Update: Holden ended up in the Daily Mail

Bombing Screenie courtesy of Hope not Hate and police follow up thanks to the BBC.

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