Monday 30 April 2012

NOT to be SHOWN on cops with cameras - Dirty Cops + "Suspicious Behaviour" = Being Muslim in a Public Place

Sunday 29 April 2012

Tottenham Court Road "suicide bomber" suspect a BNP candidate

HOPE not hate blog: Tottenham Court Road suspect a BNP candidate

Hahahahahahahaha - The Real Scottish Defence League

Tottenham Court Road suspect a BNP candidate

posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Sunday, 29 April 2012, 20:07
Michael Green arrested following siege 
Michael Green arrested following siege
We have received information that leads us to believe that the man charged over the Tottenham Court Road siege on Friday previously stood as a BNP parliamentary candidate.
Michael Green, 48, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, was arrested on Friday after the incident, during which parts of central London were evacuated.
His alleged offences include possession of a weapon for the discharge of a noxious liquid/gas or electrical incapacitating device.
Green is also accused of false imprisonment, making a bomb hoax, causing criminal damage and recklessly endangering life.
He has been remanded in custody to appear at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on Monday morning.
Michael Green stood for the BNP in the Stevenage constituency in the 2010 General Election.
He received 1007 votes, finishing in 5th place.
BNP Chairman Nick Griffin on Friday posted the following three messages on his Twitter account " Tottenham Court Road hostage situation. I bought my copy of the Koran there back in 2OO1."
"If hostage taker angry coz refused HGV licence then won't be a Muslim bomber. They don't work!"
"Police say hostage taker is 'mentally unstable'. No shit, Sherlock!"
Subscribe to Hope Not Hate's magazine here
Taken from the Hertfordshire Mercury 2010
Taken from the Hertfordshire Mercury 2010

Saturday 28 April 2012

KING OF THE SCABS - Former UDM leader jailed for four years for stealing from miners' charity

Once a scab, always a scab - Immoral, corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, money-grabbing and selfish, all the traits necessary to fill the role - so what does it take to be King of the Scabs? Now we know.
Dont actually have words for the disgust felt for this excuse for a man. Just a dirty, filthy scabbing bastard. - The REAL Scottish Defence League

Former UDM leader jailed for four years for stealing from miners' charity

A FORMER leader of the Union of Democratic Mineworkers has been jailed for four years for stealing almost £150,000 from a Notts charity which cared for elderly miners.
Neil Greatrex, 61, showed no obvious emotion as Judge John Wait described the thefts from the Nottinghamshire Miners Home charity as breaches of the highest degree of trust.
Passing sentence at Birmingham Crown Court, Judge Wait told Greatrex – the UDM’s president between 1987 and 2009 – that he was guilty of “calculated and sophisticated” greed.
Greatrex, of Shepherd’s Lane, Stanley, near Teversal, was convicted of 14 counts of theft by a jury at Nottingham Crown Court earlier this month.
Jurors heard that the former £110,000-a-year head of the UDM had created false invoices before stealing £148,628 from charity funds to pay for improvement work on his own property and that of UDM general secretary Mick Stevens.
Judge Wait, who heard that Greatrex was earning a salary of £67,000 as long ago as 1987, told the disgraced union official: “You saw an opportunity to make personal profit at the expense of those less fortunate than yourself whose interest you had agreed as trustee to protect.
“Over the years you wanted works done at your own home and the home of your co-director – outside paving, a new kitchen, new windows and doors, many supplies of building materials. Works and materials that with the salary you were paid you could have afforded. This was calculated and dishonest greed.”
It also emerged during the sentencing hearing that Greatrex received a contribution towards the cost of his mortgage from the Mansfield-based UDM, which he helped to found in 1985.
Although Judge Wait accepted that Greatrex did not directly benefit from all of the monies stolen, he ruled that there was no mitigation for the offences.
Mr Stevens, 60, was cleared of all 14 counts of theft at the earlier trial, which heard that the union officials were both trustees of the Nottinghamshire Miners Home charity.

Scot's Guards And Britains' "My Lai" Massacre - A stain on Alba's soul

Scots Guards - a disgrace and a stain on Alba's soul...
The REAL Scottish Defence League.

'Britain's My Lai': Families go to court to demand inquiry into killings of 24 Chinese villagers by our soldiers more than 60 years ago

  • Scots Guards patrol killed 24 Chinese villagers in the jungle during the Malay Emergency in 1948
  • Killings compared to U.S. massacre of civilians in My Lai during Vietnam War
  • Court in London to rule on whether an official inquiry should be held

At the time it was reported as a moment of triumph, an early success in a campaign to suppress a communist-backed insurgency rising up against British colonial rule.

But the killing of 24 Chinese villagers by a patrol of the Scots Guards 64 years ago is one of the most controversial episodes in British imperial history - and it could soon be investigated in an official inquiry. 

Next month, lawyers for the victims' families will present new evidence in a London court, claiming the villagers were murdered in cold blood and that the truth about the killings has been covered up ever since.

They say a full investigation has never been carried out into the incident, which has been described as 'Britain's My Lai', a reference to the killing of Vietnamese villagers by US forces during the Vietnam War.

Emergency: At the time of the killings, British forces were trying to quell a growing communist rebellion which mainly involved Chinese insurgents
Emergency: At the time of the killings, British forces were trying to quell a growing communist rebellion which mainly involved Chinese insurgents

The case centres on an incident in December 1948 at the height of the Malayan Emergency, the insurgency against British colonial rule in what is now Malaysia.

The dead were Chinese labourers working in Batang Kali, a rubber plantation north of Kuala Lumpur, but colonial authorities at the time claimed they were suspected terrorists killed while trying to escape.

That claim is likely to be challenged on May 8 when law firm Bindmans brings the lawsuit in the divisional court.
New evidence to be presented at the hearing is expected to include information gathered during a Malaysian police inquiry carried out in the 1990s.

Details from the police investigation were obtained by Ian Ward and Norma Miraflor, authors of a book about the killings, entitled Slaughter and Deception at Batang Kali.
    Although a number of the Scots Guardsmen involved in the incident are still alive, the victims' families are not expected to seek criminal prosecutions.

    But the solicitor leading the case, John Halford, told The Times: 'There is an overwhelming case for a proper investigation, along with an immediate apology and reparation.'

    A grinning British Royal Marine holding severed heads of two young villagers. British troops routinely tortured, mutilated and murdered civilians in their colonial occupation of Malaysia. 

    At the time of the killings, British forces were trying to quell a growing communist rebellion which mainly involved Chinese insurgents.

    Three British soldiers had been burnt alive by insurgents a few days before, and there were reports of 'bandit' activity in the Batang Kali area.

    A 16-strong unit of Scots Guards responded on December 11, surrounding the rubber estate at Sunga Rimoh, close to the Batang Kali river.

    The Chinese men were separated from women and children. One man was shot that night, the remaining 23 the next day.

    A few of the bodies were mutilated, according to some reports.

    The village was burnt after the women and children were taken away.

    No weapons were found and the leader of the Malayan National Liberation Army, Chin Peng, has said that none of the villagers was linked to the insurgency.

    The case follows legal action taken against the Foreign Office last year by a group of Kenyans who claim they were tortured during the Mau Mau uprising, which ran from 1952 to 1960.


    The My Lai massacre, to which the Batang Kali killings have been compared, was one of the most notorious incidents of the Vietnam War.
    Up to 500 unarmed civilians were killed by U.S. soldiers during the episode in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968.
    Most of the women were woman, children or elderly, and some of the bodies were later found to be mutilated.
    Details only came to light publicly in 1969, prompting widespread outrage and fuelling opposition to the war.
    Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offences over My Lai, but only one was convicted - platoon leader Second Lieutenant William Calley.
    Calley was found guilty of killing 22 villagers and was initially handed a life service, but he served only three and a half years under house arrest.
    The Mau Mau lawsuit, which is expected to come to court in July, led to the discovery of colonial-era documents in secret Foreign Office archives in Buckinghamshire.

    The Government has begun releasing sensitive documents removed from the colonies before independence and the first batch, provided last week, included papers relating to the Malayan Emergency. 

    However, the files on Batang Kali are missing.

    The Guardsmen were cleared by a brief investigation into Batang Kali carried out in 1949, which found the killings were 'a bona fide mistake'.
    But some of those involved in the inquiry later claimed they gave false evidence to ensure the soldiers were not blamed.

    A second inquiry began in 1970, only to be shelved by the incoming Tory Government.
    In the same year, the People newspaper quoted one of the soldiers as saying: 'Once we started firing we seemed to go mad... I remember the water turning red with their blood.'

    The incident again came under scrutiny in 1992 with a BBC documentary, but the Foreign Office insisted no fresh evidence had been uncovered to justify another inquiry.
    Last September, the High Court ordered a full hearing into the case.

    Read more:

    Friday 27 April 2012

    Dumb animal... CO19 pose for the cameras.

    An image that's splashed all over the UK media. A CO19 cop taking part in a major operation that did nothing at all to end some farty little tantrum by some mid-life crisis candidate who failed his driving test.

    The media helpfully points 
    out this bobby is wearing a balaclava to hide his identity to protect him on undercover work. Clever lad obviously, I mean, its not like he is doing it just to look hard and pose for the telly or anything is it? But wait a minute... so why's he just wearing a t-shirt under his Batman utility kit? A t-shirt that shows off his very distinctively recognisable tattoos on his left arm... oops.

    Incidentally, some saying these guys were SAS badged as cops. Maybe. But really, does it matter? A tooled-up prick with a gun, no legal accountability and a mandate to kill is still a tooled-up prick with a gun, no legal accountability and a mandate to kill whether he is SAS or CO19.

    Wednesday 25 April 2012

    What the English (and a few Yanks) REALLY think about the Chinese

    Collection of comments about Chinese people from English people (and a few yanks) on the MailOnline website.... 

     "Every time I think I could not dislike the Chinese more - I am proved wrong. Millions of people, infesting the country, killing and torturing every animal it comes across. China is surely what hell must be like for any animal lover. - Jane, Ipswich, 25/4/2012 13:36"

     "Only in China... this nation are the cause of the African rhinos, elephants and gorillas being poached to extinction on a daily basis. Besides the crazy stuff they eat, now even lambs are being genetically modified for their greedy bellies... We should seriously boycott all Chinese products!!!!!!!!! - Jenna, Cornwall, UK, 25/4/2012 13:37"

     "Everyone must boycott buying goods from China, it's he only way to stop these horrible people who think nothing of inflicting agony on any defenceless, living creature. - if you don't like do something about it, get caMORON out of government now, 25/4/2012 14:03"

     "My God they are one sick nation as far as animals are concerned.././ - wind, In the Willows, 25/4/2012 10:34"

     "In all seriousness has anyone here ever been to a chinese restaurant/take away, and not been able to recognise the texture or taste of a meat? i.e ribs... I have! - Samara, London, 25/4/2012 17:19"

     "A reason to stay away from Chinese takeaways you never know what the meat really is! - Joe Angle, Essex Maryland USA, 25/4/2012 17:14"

     "Cruelty knows no bounds where the Chinese are involved! Despicable race! - Pete, Los Angeles, 25/4/2012 17:08" "just hate the chinese. - Here, There, 25/4/2012 16:54"

     "These disgusting people have no concept of life other than their own. The only way to make them appreciate it is to deprive them of it. Not even animals bread for the table are treated like this and these are domesticated creatures intelligent. Just not right. - Pass the Dynamite, London, 25/4/2012 16:51"

     "My God with the exception of these few kind people I absolutely hate the Chinese. They are a disgusting nation with no concern for animal welfare whatsoever. They postulate as a world power yet their attitudes are like something from the dark ages. Please God the next earthquake will take this hell hole off into the sea. - Jane, Ipswich, 25/4/2012 16:49"

     Thats as many as I can be bothered pasting. Would that sort of openly expressedl racism be tolerated in print about any other people? I dont think the illegality of some of those genocidally inclined comments would be questioned if they were about any other group of humans. The stories that provoked these comments are a report on a sheep that has been genetically modified to make its meat healthier to eat (a technique pioneered in Scotland of course) and ordinary Chinese people alerting Chinese animal rights activists who helped rescue dogs who were ILLEGALLY being transported for food.

    Born to be grilled: Chinese scientists create genetically modified lamb with a 'good' type of fat in its meat

    The ultimate dog's dinner: Hundreds of caged canines saved from the cooking pot by quick-thinking Chinese activists

     To paraphrase one of the quotes, "Every time I think I could not dislike the English more - I am proved wrong. Millions of people, infesting the country, believing tabloid trash and talking bigoted rubbish about everyone it comes across. England is surely what hell must be like?".
     - The REAL Scottish Defence League
    - Solidarity with China, Solidarity with Chinese in Scotland and UK. 

    Tuesday 24 April 2012

    George Galloway predicts Scottish Labour's 'tubes and empty jaikets' will help SNP to independence victory

    A savaging of Scottish Labour by Galloway. And praise for the SNP - who he has always expressed the most utter contempt for . Is George about to ditch a lifetimes loyalty to Labour and the Union? Ever the opportunist, he does have a keen sense for which way the wind is blowing and as a successful populist politician it helps to know what and when to embrace that which is popular and dump that which isnt... - The REAL Scottish Defence League.

    George Galloway predicts Scottish Labour's 'tubes and empty jaikets' will help SNP to independence victory

    Controversial politician George Galloway has predicted victory for Alex Salmond and the SNP in the independence referendum planned for autumn 2014.

    Describing the current crop of Labour MSPs as ''tubes and empty jaikets'', the Respect MP said stopping the SNP's ''inch-by-inch'' campaign to break up the United Kingdom would be ''beyond them''.
    george galloway
    Mr Galloway, who was elected Bradford West MP in a stunning by-election victory last month, hailed the ''amazing transformation'' of the SNP under Mr Salmond, the First Minister.
    He said the Nationalists have ''shamed'' Scottish Labour in recent years by taking ''principled positions'' similar to Labour's before Tony Blair took over as leader.
    Mr Galloway repeated his personal opposition to independence, highlighting the similarities between a ''young person in Bradford and one in Barrhead''.
    But he said the SNP are now in such a dominant position, securing a 'No' vote in the independence referendum looks like ''mission impossible''.
    The assessment will worry the pro-Union camp, with many political commentators believing Labour will be key to convincing Scots to vote to remain in the UK.
    Writing in Holyrood magazine, Mr Galloway noted that he had unsuccessfully stood for the Scottish Parliament in last year's election.
    ''If I'd gone to the Scottish Parliament I would have campaigned, of course, against this inch-by-inch to independence, which I've opposed all my political life,'' he said.
    ''Scottish people hate the Tories but they've largely given up on the hijacked Labour Party and I'm not sure they can ever be won back.''
    After praising the changes made to the SNP by Mr Salmond, he added: ''I oppose the split because I don't believe there's a difference between a young person in Bradford and one in Barrhead, but the former will be poorer if it happens.''
    Meanwhile, former First Minister Henry McLeish has backed Alex Salmond's plans for a second question on the independence referendum.
    The ex-Fife Labour MSP handed a huge boost to the SNP leader by insisting there is an ''overwhelming case'' for the option of more devolution short of independence being put on the ballot paper.
    Mr Salmond has said he is ''open'' to the possibility, but all the main unionist parties are against it.
    Writing in a magazine this week, Mr McLeish said: ''There is an overwhelming case for a second question to give real choice to the Scottish people and if, as everyone says, the 'Yes' vote should be unambigious, then so too should be the meaning of the 'No' vote.''
    Photo by Danny Lawson/PA Wire

    SNP's Humza Yousaf: 'You have to keep being radical with your ideas'

    SNP's Humza Yousaf: 'You have to keep being radical with your ideas'

    Humza Yousaf: 'People are just looking for that alternative.'How does an 'alternative' party that finds itself in power preserve its credentials?
    On the wall of Humza Yousaf's office in central Glasgow there's a recent spread from the Scottish edition of the Sun. "I'm just as comfortable with a chapati in my hand as a bag of chips," says the characteristically subdued headline, leading into text that celebrates Yousaf as "the motorbike-riding, kilt-wearing nationalist who also cooks a mean curry", and gets in a lather about his "'united colours of Benetton' family home".
    In England and Wales, talk about politics being in the midst of serious change is somewhat speculative, whereas in Scotland, it's a matter of hard fact. Alex Salmond and the SNP remain almost ludicrously dominant. Labour can feel borderline irrelevant, even in its traditional heartlands: the party has already lost its once-immovable majority on Glasgow city council, and come 3 May, there are serious predications that control will be won by the nationalists. The Tories are a negligible Scottish presence, and the fate of the Lib Dems was pointedly illustrated by last year's Inverclyde byelection, where they managed just 2% of the vote. There is, moreover, the looming referendum on independence. Compared with the reality of 10 years ago, everything has changed; and Yousaf himself is a reminder of huge shifts within Scottish nationalism itself – specifically, the way that it has slipped free of any identification with any particular section of Scottish society, and found itself able to speak to the whole country.
    An MSP since last year, Yousaf – who is 27 – is an assured, articulate presence, tipped for great things. His father, who owns a successful Glasgow accountancy firm, joined the SNP in 1974, when one of his teachers at night school convinced him that the party was more worthy of his commitment than Labour. As with Salma Yaqoob, Yousaf's own political epiphany came in the wake of 9/11. Within weeks, having split off from a protest against the invasion of Afghanistan, he found himself in a human blockade of the nearby Charing Cross exit of the M8: "We had our two hours, freezing our arses off. And that was it: I was hooked."
    He recalls 25 coaches going from Glasgow's Central Mosque to the huge London march against the Iraq war, and how Salmond's opposition to the invasion decisively pulled him towards the SNP – before dispensing his account of why Scotland has been so radically transformed. The story takes in Tony Blair's toxic effects on the reputation of the Labour party, the credit crunch and subsequent economic crash, and now the arrival of the Westminster coalition – all of which, he says, has fed into the SNP successfully turning old orthodoxies on their head. But even in England, he senses that the usual rules of politics are under threat.
    "People are just looking for that alternative: there's no doubt about it. The Liberal Democrats, I think, would have been the ones who would have benefited from it, but they no longer can. As much as I really don't like George Galloway at times, I have to tip my hat to him when he says things like: 'If a backside had three cheeks, they'd be those parties.'"
    He concedes that in its second term in power, the SNP has to guard its "alternative" credentials very carefully: "You have to keep being radical with your ideas. We're lucky: we have a completely distinct policy on independence, which helps us a lot." The next bit is put beautifully: "But there's always a danger of being one of one of those butt cheeks."
    On this point, I wonder: though he gives me the usual assurances that his party is a pretty radical, left-of-centre force, aren't such claims at least slightly undermined by those SNP-ers whose views often seem to put them rather closer to free-market Tories? I've met a few. "We've now got 22,000 members," he says. "And not all of them are left of centre … not everybody sings from exactly the same hymn sheet. But generally there's a consensus in the party that we're comfortable with being a left-of- centre, social democratic party. To the left of Labour? The current Labour party, sure."
    Not entirely surprisingly, he thinks the independence referendum will go the SNP's way. But I wonder: what does he think of the idea that if Scotland leaves the union, he and his SNP colleagues will effectively be leaving the English likes of me to eternal Tory government?
    "No!" he shoots back, and sketches out one of the most interesting scenarios that might result from the Scots going it alone: an English realignment, whereby leftwing people south of the border might discover the courage of their convictions, whether inside the Labour party or out. "The prospect of an independent Scotland is a challenge for left progressives in England – to wake up, and start being more robust about what they believe in. And if anything, a strong left of centre, independent Scotland would be something to aspire to: 'If they can do it, why can't we?'"



    EDL member arrested after 'Breivik' bomb threat against Muslims

    Reposted from EDL News

    EDL member arrested after 'Breivik' bomb threat against Muslims

    An English Defence League member was arrested last night for assault and being in possession of racially inflammatory material after posts were made on Facebook allegedly threatening the Muslim community with a bomb attack 'Oslo style'.
    In the week where far right extremist, Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 young people, the English Defence League have been very quiet on the subject.
    There is plenty of evidence out there that Breivik was partly inspired by the English Defence League, in fact before he went on his murderous campaign, he emailed his manifesto to a large number of EDL members who he had been in contact with.
    Leadership claim time and time again that their far right organisation does not breed extremism.  South Shield's Division member, Kenny Holden, seems to prove the opposite when he states his intention to set a pipe bomb off in Ocean Road, a predominantly Asian area in the City.
    Holden, states that he has a pipe bomb ready for Ocean Road and he is going to do it 'Oslo style'.
    A spokesman for Northumbria Police said "a 29 year old man was arrested on Saturday night on suspicion of assault and possessing racially inflammatory material. He is currently in custody and is helping police with their enquiries."

    The English Defence League will no doubt claim Holden is not a member of the organisation but our picture of him with English Defence League leader, Tommy Robinson, will disprove that.

    Holden makes it clear he not only against extremists and all Muslims are a target in his twisted hate campaign.

    A couple of photos of Holden dressed as a terrorist and posing with an EDL flag

    And a picture of Holden at the Blackburn demonstration last year.

    His Facebook friends list include EDL senior leader Gurmarit Singh, Tommy Robinson's PA Hel Gower and Paddy Conroy who was convicted of kidnapping and torturing a gangland rival.

    Earlier this week Northumbria police raided the addresses of two members of neo Nazi group the Infidels and other forces made arrests in other parts of the country
    Threatening to pipe bomb an Asian area in this climate has resulted in a call to the anti terrorism hotline and Northumbria police. In case Holden tries to delete his Facebook profile his profile ID is here

    Update: Shortly after we posted this article these posts appeared on Holden's Facebook page.

    Update: Holden ended up in the Daily Mail

    Bombing Screenie courtesy of Hope not Hate and police follow up thanks to the BBC.